by @kodeazy

CSS How to divide div into 4 equal coulmns without using any CSS frameworks like BOOTSTRAP?

Home » CSS » CSS How to divide div into 4 equal coulmns without using any CSS frameworks like BOOTSTRAP?
  • using flex propery we can divide the div into desired number of parts.
  • Below is the CSS for dividing the row into desired number of parts.

    	display: flex;
    	flex: 25%;
  • Below is sample code to divide row into desired number of coulmns.

    	display: flex;
    	flex: 25%;
    	<div class="row1">
    <div class="coulmn">first</div>
    <div class="coulmn">Second</div>
    <div class="coulmn">Third</div>
    <div class="coulmn">fourth</div>

    Output: Flex Example