by @kodeazy

flutter how to create array of user defined objects in a list?

Home » flutter » flutter how to create array of user defined objects in a list?
  • In this blog we will discuss on how to create array of user defined objects using list in flutter.
  • Below is the syntax of creating userdefined list.

    List<SomeNullableType> eXampleList = []
  • Here in above syntax in place of SomeNullableType we specify the type of Objects to store the data.
  • Below is an example syntax to store objects of type Employee in a list.

    List<Empoyee> EmployeeDetails = [
    new Empoyee(27, 103, "Suresh")
  • In the above syntax we created a list and added objects of type Employee into the list.
  • Below is the sample program of creating array of Employee objects.
void main() {
  List<Empoyee> EmployeeDetails = [
    new Empoyee(27, 103, "Suresh"),
    new Empoyee(23, 102, "Ramesh"),
    new Empoyee(21, 105, "Mahesh"),
    new Empoyee(29, 104, "Gopi")
  EmployeeDetails.forEach((emp) {
    print("Name is :" + +
        " Age is:" +
        (emp.age).toString() +
        " Salary is :" +
class Empoyee {
  int age;
  int salary;
  String name;
  Empoyee(@required this.age, @required this.salary, @required {}
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
          backgroundColor: Colors.yellow,
          body: Center(child: new Text("Hello, World!"))),


Name is :Suresh Age is:27 Salary is :27
Name is :Ramesh Age is:23 Salary is :23
Name is :Mahesh Age is:21 Salary is :21
Name is :Gopi Age is:29 Salary is :29