by @kodeazy

flutter How to modify values list based on index in a dart file?

Home » flutter » flutter How to modify values list based on index in a dart file?
  • In this blog we will discuss on how to update the values of List based on index in dart file.
  • Lets suppose we have an list of integers as below

    List<int> exampleArray = [1, 2, 3];
  • To replace the Third element below is the syntax.

    exampleArray[2] = 9;
  • As the index starts from 0 we specify the index as 2 to get the 3 rd element.
  • Below is the example program of modifying the List.

    void main() {
    List<int> exampleArray = [1, 2, 3];
    exampleArray[2] = 9;


    [1, 2, 9]