by @kodeazy

flutter Too few positional arguments required error?

Home » flutter » flutter Too few positional arguments required error?

In this blog we will discuss on how to resolve Too few positional arguments: 1 required, 0 given.

I was trying to learn Named parameters in flutter.
Below is my code to multiply two numbers in flutter.

void main() {
  int result=multi(b: 3);
int multi(int b){

  return 2*b;

while trying to execute getting below screenshot error. Debug error Image

To resolve the above error modify parameter b in below function

int multi(int b){

  return 2*b;


int multi({required int b}){
  return 2*b;

Modified code

Below is the example code after modification.

void main() {
  int result=multi(b: 3);
int multi({required int b}){
  return 2*b;
